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"I Write The Saddest Lines..."
Thursday, 29 November 2007
Mood:  don't ask

i dont know why i'm shocked

by your lack of any care

cuz lets face it, even when we were together

you were hardly ever there

physically, but emotionally too

you always left me all alone

sitting quietly with tear stained cheeks

waiting for you to pick up the phone

but all along, i never mattered

not even a little...not really at all

and it hurts so fuckin bad

that i let you make me feel so small

even in the aftermath of this tragic tale

your still trying to manipulate, trying to rattle my cage

but what your not seeing is that day after day

i'm more and more over your narcissism, your rage

i'm learning again that i have value

i'm not just a piece of trash you can throw away

i know my life is turning for the better

but i sincerely doubt you'll ever be okay...

Posted by ajhosier at 8:34 PM EST
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